Fun & Easy Low-Sugar Recipes To Make With Your Kids

Fun & Easy Low-Sugar Recipes To Make With Your Kids
Here at H2rOse, we are all about making health-conscious choices, which is why we are all about creating a natural, low-sugar beverage for everyone in the family to enjoy! At only 10g of sugar in the entire 16.9oz bottle, drinking H2rOse is a yummy, yet healthier way to swap out those other sugar-filled beverages and juices our kids like to consume daily. Made with only natural ingredients, H2rOse has what it takes to be your kids next favorite drink, while also reaping the benefits of Saffron & Rose Water!

Looking for a few easy, fun, and healthy (low-sugar) recipes to make at home with your kids? Try these recipes for Peach Mango Fruit Leathers, Chef Salad Skewers, and Quick Ranch Dip.

Registered dietitian nutritionist Laura Chalela Hoover shares how to get your family involved in a low-sugar lifestyle, including the best ways to minimize sugar in your child’s diet and how to emphasize natural ingredients in meals. There are 150 kid-friendly recipes here—everything from breakfast to dessert ideas.

3 Recipes Kids Can Make on Their Own:

Supplements for Healthy Kids & Teens

We talked with well known natural health expert Tieraona Low Dog, MD, about the most important nutrients for children and teenagers. Low Dog is the author of several books, including Fortify Your Life and Healthy at Home. Visit her website for her health blogs and more at

Q: What are some of your favorite natural remedies for helping kids stay healthy?

TLD: Many kids benefit from a basic multivitamin during the school season. Look for one that contains 70–100 percent of the DV (daily value) for most vitamins and minerals, with a few exceptions. For teens, only menstruating girls should take a multi that includes iron, unless a health care professional tells you otherwise. Calcium takes up a lot of space in a “once daily” type of vitamin, so generally most will only provide 100–200 mg per day. That’s okay. You do want to make sure it has adequate amounts of the B-vitamins, zinc, and vitamin C. Speaking of vitamin C, keep some extra around the house in case someone comes down with the sniffles, as well as a bottle of elderberry syrup, which can help the body fight off respiratory infections. I always recommend probiotics too.

Vitamin D is important during winter. Studies show that vitamin D supplements can reduce the risk of upper respiratory infections, and it has also been shown to reduce hospitalizations and steroid use in children with asthma, which tends to also be worse during cold and flu season. I recommend 1,000 IU per day for children 6 and older.

Q: Is there a good remedy for improving focus and attention?

TLD: Well, the main prescription, if you will, is getting plenty of sleep, eating a breakfast with healthy protein and fats, and exercising regularly. A multivitamin is also important for ensuring kids are getting adequate B-vitamins, which are important for mood and focus. Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) can be useful for aiding focus in children and teens. And lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) can be very helpful for children who have difficulty focusing.

Q: How about teenage health?

TLD: Teens need lots of rest, as they are growing rapidly. If your kids are staying up late working on the computer doing homework, make sure you install software that will block blue light, which is notorious for making it difficult to fall asleep. Keep plenty of healthy snacks around the house, and try “daily booster powders” that contain some protein, vitamins, and/or fruits and veggies.

Q: What if sleep is a problem?

TLD: Herbal teas can be helpful when given one hour before bed. If your child takes medicine for ADHD, talk to your health care provider about using melatonin. A number of studies show that 2–3 mg sustained-release melatonin can help counter sleep problems associated with psychostimulants. 

Written by Laura Chalela Hoover for Better Nutrition and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to

Healthy choices come one step at a time. Swapping out sugar packed beverages with H2rOse can be that small, yet impactful first step that will make all the difference. With 4 delicious flavors to choose from, H2rOse contains only 10g of sugar per bottle, whereas similar drinks Contain 20 to 65g of sugar! Try all four flavors at

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